Home Resolutions for 2016*
Last year I spent so little time doing anything to my home that I actually felt quite sad. I was so focused on adventures further afield I really neglected our house. I’ve already shared a post about how I hope to improve my home this year, but it really isn’t just that I want to look at. Last year chores became something I saw as an after thought, I bought in things to do some DIY and it ended up in a cupboard under the stairs. The long and short of it is I made some bad choices when it came to my home and as an almost 28 year old adult, this needs to change. Inspired by this Forbes article I have come up with a list of resolutions for my own home to share with you today.
Stop Pinning on Pinterest and Take Action
I am terrible for pinning ideas on my Pinterest home board and then doing nothing with them. A lot of them a great hacks as well to improve your home on a budget but I tend to pin them, then forget about them. I really need to spend an afternoon going back through my board and picking out some ideas that could not only work for my home, but are within my means and budget.
Don’t Buy What I Don’t Need
Not only does this include more paint and DIY materials, because I have enough tins of chalk paint to last a lifetime! But also art work when I have no wall space, furniture when I have no room (especially when it comes to Little Miss’ room) and kitchen utensils and mugs when I already have enough and no extra storage. I love to shop, and I love to bargain. But lets face it, it’s not a bargain when you don’t need it. Ever since B&M Homestores opened in our town I have a surplus of everything and no where to store it. I don’t even have room to dry clothes let alone store 10 cans of paint! I’m going to make a list of some things I’d really like for my home, like a new storage tower for Little Miss, a bathroom cabinet, a mirror for above my fire and only stick to those.
Make a Chores Chart and Stick To It
One of the reasons I really struggled to keep on top of my chores is that I just feel so overwhelmed doing everything on my own. I got to the point where I was living off noodles because the idea of tackling all the dishes from a main meal exhausted me. Vacuuming with a long haired rag doll cat took hours. And washing the windows with a step ladder and no one to hold the bottle just seemed like a nightmare. I’d find myself breaking down to my mum because the house was suffocating me and she’d babysit one afternoon so I could scrub the place (wow, what a hot date). I’ve decided to make a chart so every day I tackle on hard job to keep on top of things.
Yes, I’m not in my dream home yet, I don’t want to live in this little two bedroom house forever, especially not in my hometown but I hope when the time comes I’ll be able to move into my forever home. Thankfully there are some great websites around to help sell my house fast these days, so getting it off the market shouldn’t be a problem and this will free up the funds I need to move. But in the mean time, by keeping on top of these resolutions I should be able to add value to my home which is always important!