2016 New (Blogging) Beginnings
Firstly, HAPPY NEW YEAR! From my family to yours. I wish you health, wealth and happiness for the next 366 days.
I’m deviating away from my usual New Year post (although it may come tomorrow) to talk about blog stuff. Today Cocktails in Teacups is being RELAUNCHED! From now on the main focus of this blog will be be on Disney, Life, Travel and Parenting.. with a few other subjects thrown in for good measure. As much as I desperately wanted to focus on fashion and beauty, I just know neither of them are a strong subject for me. The blog has always been lifestyle based, but for the first three years I posted a lot of product reviews and outfit posts, however over 2015 I became disillusioned with my blogs direction and I feel it’s time to write about subjects important in my life. So what can you expect from the new Cocktails in Teacups?
I’m finally going to let you all into my life with Little Miss, and although my parent posts won’t focus on “dos and don’ts” I will be writing more about her, including her outfits, her likes and dislikes and our adventures as she grows up. It’s taken a long time to feel comfortable with openly writing about her on here, but I always said when I started over three years ago that they day may come when I would. I have an instagram account Livvybirdadventures that documents our day to day life as well as posting memories from our Disney trips. It’s been so well received and in less than 9 months has gathered over 6000 followers. LM is way more photogenic than I am so it makes sense really haha.
Over the past year and a half I’ve visited Disney four times, twice to Walt Disney World and twice to Disneyland Paris.. and it looks like 2016 is going to be the same, including 4 weeks in Florida in March. Over that time I have taken a lot of photos and I’ve learned a lot. I’ve been during peak season and off peak season and I’ve stayed at some hotels. Not only that but I have managed to have a sneaky look into the life of an APH who have helped me realise how to make the absolute best out of your trip. I have done it on a budget and by next October I’ll have done a full Disney package staying at a Deluxe Villa with dining plan. I’m going to do a mixture of posts about both parks, and maybe over time I can add others as one day I’m hoping to have visited all the parks.
I’m not just going to talk about Disney parks though, I’m just going to talk about our general love of Disney and how it impacts on our life. Disney blogging seems to be on the rise and those blogs are fast becoming my favourites. We have Disney integrated into almost every part of our life, from cosplaying at conventions, to the name of our cat, Elsa.
Travel in general both in the UK and out and including travelling with a small child. Two summers ago now I travelled around NE USA on my own and I feel like I learned a lot yet never really talked about it. I didn’t review the hotels or areas I stayed in and I feel like it was a bit wasted. Aside from Disney, planning and talking about travelling is a huge passion of mine.
Finally, food! I’m making no promises about this but some of my most well received posts on Cocktails in Teacups were food related, from restaurant reviews to things I’ve cooked. I will be trying out a new healthy lifestyle along with 80% of the country now that it’s new year which means cooking more but whether I remember to document what I make or not is another thing. But fingers crossed, but food is a huge passion of mine, when I can be bothered to eat something other than microwavable noodles.
Yes, there will still be sponsored posts thrown in there which will clearly be marked as content and with an * since I now work self employed and although I do accept writing projects on the side, a portion of my income does come from this blog. These posts will occasionally feature beauty or maybe fashion as these are topics I do enjoy but I don’t have a great knowledge of, but for the most part they will be parenting and travel related.
That’s not all, I have a few blogging resolutions I’m going to try and stick to, to help my blog grow.
- Promote posts – In the last year I really sucked at this. I’m going to try and join link ups, promote on groups as well as on my own Twitter, and maybe Facebook.
- Improve blogger engagement on Twitter – I used to be on Twitter engaging with ther bloggers all the time, but when my anxiety really got the best of me last year I stopped. I really want to work on this again by taking part in chats and just generally being a twitter presence.
- Attend blog events – I got to the point last year where I felt so anxious that everyone in the North East hated me that I stopped going, but I’ve decided to hold my head high and go anyway. New experiences are good for the soul after all.
- Work on my photography & editing skills – Not a great one for the winter since it’s so dark, but I really am going to try and practice more with my camera to improve my photography which will ultimately make my blog much prettier.
I think four is quite enough since I have a lot of personal goals that I will be sharing over the next couple of days. But hopefully these four alone will help me work towards having a blog that I found.
FINALLY! In honour of this relaunch I have a giveaway. It’s not huge, but I hope it’ll appeal to my readers. It’s a Disney giveaway! I’m giving away a lovely selection of Disney bits and pieces to one lucky follower and there is one SURPRISE gift that I will be picking up in February from Disneyland Paris that they will also receive.

Happy new year Amy and Little Miss! xx
Paula Readings
I would like to eat healthier, Happy new year.
Albertine (@Dippy_Writes)
I’m planning to dedicate more time to good quality blog posts!
Diane Hicklin
I’m going to look after myself better this year, I’ve was diagnosed with lupus in November so 2016 is going to be a challenging year
Happy new year Amy and LM. My New Years resolution is to start a cosplay business. Love your giveaway, I’ve entered.
I don’t know what my resolution is really, I have too many! Mainly it’s just to get out of the house and do more stuff instead of wanting to hide in my room all the time.
I love your blog’s new look, and your new focus is perfect, it’s so you! xxx
Rena Plumridge
To get fitter
john jackson
look after myself better
I am aiming to eat healthier and lose weight, schedule blog posts in advance and consistently schedule my social media posts.
Wishing you a Happy New Year, I would like to get more active and experience new things
Angela McDonald
My New Years Resolution is to simply make the most of the year! I want to explore a few more local places, try a new club and some new foods and try to live in the moment and enjoy it!
Patricia Fraser
Happy New Year, my resolution is to look after my skin and have a skin care routine.
My new years resolution is too lose weight, its getting to a point when walking hurts me so much i could cry.
Hazel Rea
Happy New Year. I want to worry less about small things to improve my sleep pattern which would increase my energy.
Chloe b
To save my pennies for our WDW trip in September:)
Louise Rose Railton
Happy New Year! With my blog, I’m aiming to post more about beauty. My blog is lacking in beauty posts at the moment.
Louise | http://www.louiseroserailton.com
Susan lloyd
Eat healthier and lose weight x
John Frost
To get fit for my cross channel row in the middle of the year
Jessica woods
To think of number 1 🙂 xx
Spending more time with my new blogger friends and cutting out negativity 🙂 xxx
iain maciver
to try and have less worries
Helen Fowler
To spend more times with the friends and family and love and less with those that drag me down.
ashleigh allan
to lose weight!
Marie Evans
Try to be more healthy
Lose baby weight
Helen Hames
I need to lose weight!
Jacqui Rankine
I would love to have this.
Melissa Marshall
Loving the new look. My goal is to save for a car and try and move out of my parents house.
Dylan Calderon
mine is to become more healthy and fit
Katy Komping
I’m going to try and eat healthier and lose some weight 🙂
Ashley Gould
I think I will LOVE this new direction! I found your IG accounts first, then started reading your blog. Your love for Disney mirrors mine so closely and I can’t wait to see more of how you incorporate Disney into parenting. You have given me so much inspiration for my daughter in the next few years(she just turned one).
I think my overall goals for the new year are to be more relevant as a wife and more, more organized and get my house in order(it was so much easier before husband and baby HA) and to use my time more wisely.
Excited to see the changes to your blog, I love the Disney/trip planning posts. I managed to get to Tokyo DisneySea this year, and I want to get to Hong Kong next. Or Paris as it’s so much closer to home haha.
Anyway my resolution this year is to lose some weight, I’ve been putting off dieting for ages, but I really need to actually do it this year 🙂
to drink more water, take better care of my skin and be way more organised when it comes to uni work!
Susan B
I am going to try harder with my appearance.
Sadiyya maryam
Happy New Year! To be kinder to myself.
Ruth Harwood
I’m going to start yoga classes xx
angela white
to try and stick to my fitness goals
Sophie Lester
To meet up with old friends
Ray Dodds
Tostop making resolutions I can’t keep
claire woods
I’m going to get fitter and also more time for me.
aaron broad
To try and improve my dental health
This Northern Gal
This year I’m trying not to make one!
I haven’t came across any Disney blogs before, they sound amazing. Sounds like everything will be a big but amazing change though 🙂 x
Tamz | http://www.throughneweyesx.com
I really want to read more, write more and also up my instagram game! I’m excited for what’s to come on your blog 🙂
Gina mills
To make 2016 a successful year of saving
Tracy Newton
To delegate so that I can spend more quality time with my family
amy fidler
to finally pass my driving test
Laura Beth
Happy new year! One of my resolutions is to lose weight (same as everyone ever) but also to get back into blogging. Have a lovely trip to Disney!!
Amy Dickson
My resolution is to drink a glass of water every morning when I wake up and to not skip breakfast
To lose my baby weight (8lb down, 43lb to go!)
To organise the house so that we can move somewhere bigger 🙂
Amanda C
to get fit and healthy that’s me x
lynn heath
My new years resolution is to be better at planning what we are going to eat each week so that I only buy what we need, hopefully saving money!
Kirsty Fox
To get my house decorated and looking the way I want.
Lynsey Buchanan
My resolution for 2016 is to continue to be a non-smoker (I gave up 3 months ago but still have cravings).
sofia s.
be more organised
Joanne Welsh
To keep working on getting past my anxiety completely
My New Year’s resolution is to have the best year ever! And lose some weight.
Michaela Hannah
My New Years resolution is to spend more time on myself
Katie skeoch
This year I’ve resolved to buy my dream home!
Claire Ward
I would like to pass my driving test
Less carbs, more water and lots more me time 🙂
Jane Willis (@janesgrapevine)
Happy New Year. My resolution is to declutter the house
Just to explore our country more. There’s so many beautiful places in England. Having said that I can’t wait to take the children to Ireland later this year.
The children would love this prize as they know we’re not going to Disney this year, I have become quite phobic of crowds so we’re giving it a break this year, for now.
I decided that my resolution would be to go to the gym at least once this year – starting small, okay?! But seriously though, I’d like to focus a lot more on my blog this year, if that’s possible – just more targeted rather than random 🙂
to learn how to drive
I would love to loose weight!
Chelsea Chad
My blog resolution is to blog more but I’m already failing, whoops! Hope 2016 brings you everything you dream of, Amy! You really deserve it xxx
To take charge!
Lisa Everaert
I didnt make one this year as i`ll only break it.
katie w
to learn to budget better
Emma Lane
My new year resolution is to try to get better with money so I can save to buy a house this year, to then be able to go back to Disneyworld Florida hopefully next year x
A balance of more exercise and fun with family and friends.
lyn burgess
to exercise more and try to get fitter
Rich Tyler
Do More, Stress Less!
caroline walliss
I’m going to eat less / move more and complete my first ironman triathlon this year.x
Fiona K
To get more sleep
Rebecca Townsend
To run a marathon and to laugh more
Caroline Spring Clarke
To workout at least six times a week and get back down to 110 lbs by eating clean.
Sher Fordham
well its to lose weight, which actually is the same every year lol
Jackie ONeill
to exercise more to get fit
Emily K (@EmilyK1983)
Happy New Year! Mine is to lose weight – bit the bullet and joined Slimming World yesterday!
pamela gossage
To loose weight and keep it off
elaine savage
I plan to slow down & enjoy life more
helen tovell
I didn’t make one
Claire Simpson (@claire1551)
Eat healthier x
Stephanie Tsang
My new year’s resolution is to be more organised and tidy.
Julie Feathers
to try not to get too stressed thus helping my blood pressure and ulcer
Tracey Belcher
To stop Dreaming and start Doing – Bucket list ticking off here we go!
Susan Howitt
I’m going to make more me time, even if it is just getting 10 minutes at a time to just sit, relax and read x
To eat healthier and be more positive and stop being so scared of so many things.
Nicola Biven
I want to carry on losing weight and eating healthier !
Lucy I
To eat less chocolate
claire nutman
To be kinder to self and others x
Alison Johnson
To eat healthier & drink 2 litres of water a day
Ray Becker
quit smoking
Lucy mills
To teach my children how to swim
Charlotte Foy
My new years resolution is to be a better person and to try harder to do better! Just be generally happier 🙂
Stacey Carnell
To live, ,laugh and love more <3
laura banks
i need to chill more i always get stressy about stuff
To get out and explore more 🙂
Laura Linsey
To get the decorating done!
sian hallewell
Live, love & laugh every day
Leanne V Mckenna
To see and do as much as possible, trips abroad and lots of experiences.
I already quit smoking last year 🙂
bob clark
To declutter
Corinne Henson
To spend more time outdoors exploring with my boys 🙂
Alison M
Didnt make any resolutions this year so I cant break them! Just aiming to be healthy and spend quality time with my family.
Alison Joyce
Happy new year I want to do more with my weekends I’m sick of sitting on the sofa
k dunn
to do 30 mins exercise everyday and also pick something different to do every day for 30 days throughout the year!
Rebecca Phillips
to say yes more! i suffer with anxiety so im determined not to let it take over my life
Sarah Gray
My new year resolution is to have more fun with my kids, they are only young once x
Michelle O'Neill
to lose some weight x
Leanne Lunn
To try and grow my self confidence.
kate andrews
To eat less chocolate & biscuits at work and to have more fun
Lorraine Tinsley
I’m trying to spend less and save more
Helen Swales
My New Year’s resolution is to get fit, I’ve joined the gym and been to three sessions already but unfortunately pulled a muscle today so I struggle to walk let alone train at the moment. Hopefully I’ll have a swift recovery.
Adeinne Tonner
To make more wonderful memories with my family
Kelly (@Jakeysmummy2006)
To be more healthy!
Jo m Welsh
To improve my fitness levels
I don’t really do resolutions, but my goal is to keep blogging and going to fitness classes 🙂 x
jamie millard
to be more productive, less lazy and to go to bed earlier
stephen holman
Waste less money and eat less junk!!!
My new year’s resolution is to do more that makes me feel happy, I spent a lot of last year unhappy and I endeavour to try and change that in 2016!
naomi witherow
My new years resolution is to start saving for a home of our own . to stay happy and healthy and to do more outdoor things with my boys
Ella L
to get bit healthier
To be more healthy and lose weight.
Happy New Year!. I have 2 new years resolution. The first is to improve/ dedicate more time to my blog and the second is to interact more with other bloggers. At the moment I am finding it difficult to interact with others however the weekly DisneyBloggerChats are helping. x
I hope you have a happy a wonderful 2016, you deserve it – my New Years resolution is to be more confident in myself and try to change my lifestyle to create a healthier environment to live in! X
happy new year! I hope 2016 is happy and healthy for you! My New Years resolution is to become happier in myself and trust my own choices more, lots of love! X
I want to save up a bit of money
To lose some weight and get fitter
To walk to work more.
To laugh more, a lot more!
leigh boyle
i didnt make one x
Pat Healy
I want to be healthier
Charlotte Moore
To do something thay scares me
Kathleen Bywaters
I’ve always wanted to be a veggie but I do like meat so never taken the plunge. This year I’m resolving to eat less meat, so not a complete veggie but instead of eating it so often I have a meat free day once a week. (I’m planning on building that up throughout the year).
jennifer thorpe
to save as much as possible
Fab giveaway I am Disney Mad too, my New Years resolution is to improve my photography x
Jessica Hutton
To win and raise money for toys that I can donate to the Salvation Army. My aim is to have a big collection of
Jess Howliston
My resolution is to get outdoors more and have more adventures with the kids! x
Kerry W
My New Years resolution is to say no more often, and mean it!
Happy new year lovely X ? My New Years resolution is to be more confident and to push myself to do more things out of my comfort zone that I know I will thank myself for X
Ema J Lowe
to be eat healthier, but not going well at the moment.
kimberley ryan
To spend more QUALITY time with my friends and family
I have a few resolutions but the main one is to make time for me and just be me!
If people don’t like it they can happily walk out of my life!
Tracy Ashwin
To get fitter to have better health
to eat more healthier
Allan Smith
To be healthy and eat the right kind of foods. Carbs are out the window!
Samantha Atherton
My resolution is to start every day with a cup of lemon water.
Susan Hoggett
keep fit
ceril Roberts
Need to lose some weight for an operation and get my BMI down to 30!
My New Years Resolution is to turn my home into a zero waste environment
sarah evans
i didn’t make any this year
Clare Hubbard
Cut down on sugar! I have far too many fillings and I blame my sugar addiction!
Naomi Harrison
To be more healthy. Boring, but neccessary!
Greig spencer
mine is to go to the gym more often xxx
To be happy 🙂
Laura Baker
To get fit…same as every year.
Kat - The Mouse Chick ♡
My resolution is to get involved with more societies and hobbies at University! 🙂
Kat – The Mouse Chick Blog ♡
elaine stokes
I’m cutting down on my sugar and salt in my diet
I’m going for a daily walk
Patricia Avery
To not waste my time worrying about issues I cannot address, rather focus my time and energy on those I can. Easier said than done given my personality….a born worrier! 🙂
Catherine Bell
To eat more healthy
wendy malone
my new year resolution is to loose weight, and i have joined a slimming club and lost 9lb in 3 weeks
Amanda Gregory
Purely to spend more quality time with hubby.
Victoria Prince
My resolution is to try and get my life better balanced! It’s all very out of whack at the moment
Barbara Handley
To make new friends
Donna Caldwell
To try to get the family eating healthier
Jade Hewlett
Mine is to spend more time with family
Jenna Parrington
To lose my baby weight before trying for baby number 2 🙂
To write down something good that has happened each day and put it in a jar. Then at the end of the year I’ll have 366 awesome memories to look back on!
Adrian Bold
Sorry to be boring, but its to lose weight. Given myself a target of losing 2 stone this year.
Hayley Colburn
to be much more sensible with money this year
Jo Hutchinson
I would like to eat a little healthier and lose some weight.
ellie spider
mine is to lose weight, get fitter/healthier and save money (as I am going back to orlando on hols)
jackie curran
To become fitter and healthier this year .
Lucy Robinson
Eating more smoothies with the children.
helen newton
To spend more time with my Family 🙂
Lucy Black
To travel more and enjoy every day
claire little
to be more organised.
my new years resolution is to make more of an effort to visit friends!
Emma Schofield
To try and save money where I can.
claire griffiths
to be more organized
Tracy Gladman
Me and my husband are going to lose weight together.
emma kinsey
Learning to drive
Claire Appleton
To lose weight for my wedding next year 🙂
Nancy Bradford
To lose weight and get fit in 2016.
Charlotte Cottam
To find a more enjoyable job
My new years revolution is to keep fit and healthy and to swap fizzy drinks for water, green tea and healthy smoothies.
So far so good!
Amazing giveaway!
Thank you for the chance ☺
M Allen
I’m walking every journey less than 3 miles to make me, my wallet and the environment healthier
Leanne Bell
To make a trip upto Scotland. It’s somewhere I have never visited and I have both good friends and family up there that I would love to catch up with x
To spend more time with family
Kelly Ellen Hirst
Kim Roberts
My new years resolution is to drink more water and to get pregnant!!
Natelle Cooper
To lose weight
Natalie Crossan
I’m trying to lose weight xx