My Phone History*
With Christmas just around the corner, meaning many beautifully wrapped new phones under the tree, I thought it would be fun to take a look at my phone history. My first ever mobile phone was a Christmas present when I think I was 14 going on 15. Now I’ve got to the point that I rely so much on my mobile phone that I don’t even have a house line, but that doesn’t stop me lusting after one of those fancy cordless phones.
So anyway, my first ever phone was the good old Motorola brick. I have no idea what make it was and I only used it for phonecalls and texts. Mainly to my parents when I was having a sleep over at a friends. I still remember the pink Little Miss Chatterbox case I had on it. It was so heavy but I never had a problem with it breaking. Like I mentioned above, it was a gift from my Grandad for Christmas, and after I was finished with it, it was passed onto my mum.
Then I joined the “cool” club, well cool for early 00s anyway.. I got a 3310. I don’t even remember where this phone came from. But I do remember I had a purple Forever Friends case on it then a bright red case on it. It was probably another Christmas or birthday present. I have no idea how that phone survived for so long but I do remember playing hours on snake and all the wasted money buying those annoying ring tones that were supposed to sound like popular songs but lets face it, well all know they didn’t! I’m so glad I get to say I was part of the 3310 generation! After my 3310, I got my first ever hand me down from my dad, a Nokia 5210. I hated it, the rubber around it made it look so uncool and there was a rubbish selection of cases. But hey, it still had snaked!
Then I had an 02 own make phone. It was white and it was my first ever one with a colour screen. Again, it was another Christmas present. I cannot for the life of me remember what it was or even what it looked like except that I really hated being on 02 so I received another hand me down from my dad less than a year later.
So this second hand me down from my dad happened to be my only slide phone. It was a Samsung D500 and I loved it! I happen to have very small hands and this one fitted perfectly in it. I used it right throughout college. Although when I look back at the photos they’re super grainy and rubbish this was possibly the first phone I was super proud to be owning. And I would have kept it if it wasn’t for the fact my next phone was one I’d bought second hand, purely because I’d heard the camera was great.
I might have been proud of my little Samsung, but from the first time I turned on my new Sony Ericsson K790 I was in love. It had a little slide shutter for the camera, it held loads of my music and it took really great selfies. It was the perfect university phone. That was until I went through a really bad break up, in public, while I was drunk and I chucked my phone dramatically into the marina. Not my proudest moment and in the long run I think I mourned more for that phone than I did for the relationship!
Because I threw my phone away without thinking and I had no money to buy another phone outright, I entered the world of contracts. As I was a poor student I went with a £15 a month tariff and a step down in phones but as I was so smitten with Sony Ericsson I went with the K660i. It ended up being a rather sturdy phone and I ended up sticking with it for almost 2 years. I hated the white and lime green at first but I grew to love it. But by this point it was 2009 and time for me to enter the world of smart phones.
So, my first smart phone was actually a Blackberry! The Curve 8520, and you know what? It served me well. I took it to New York with me on my 21st and I actually got some nice pictures. I could easily use the internet and I ADORED the qwerty keyboard. That was at the time anyway, before I had my taste of a real smart phone.. before I entered the world of the iPhone.
In 2011 I entered my modern phone era.. I treated myself to my first iPhone for my 23rd birthday and really I’ve never looked back. I’ve now had the iPhone 4, 5 and I’m onto my 6th. My upgrade these days tends to fall as the newest phone is released so I tend to get it then. I rely on my iPhone for everything and although LM accidently smashed my screen it still works, and it’s like having a little computer in my pocket. I have no idea how I survived before having my iPhone and I’m ashamed to admit I’d feel lost without it. I love that you can get super cute Disney themed cases for it which really makes it my own.