6 Great Benefits of Old Age to Cheer Up Your Grandparent*
Getting old can bring a person down, there’s daytime television to watch, medication to take and aches and pains to contend with. But it’s not all bad: you don’t have to work, you have plenty of free time plus there are loads of other benefits that come with living to a ripe old age. Here are a few points to remind your elderly relative of next time they get down in the dumps or start complaining about their lot.
Pensioner Discounts
Money can be an issue when you stop getting a monthly wage and have to rely on a pension, but there are also lots of financial bonuses at the stage in life. As well as free public transport, meal deals at restaurants and concession tickets at sports events, it’s possible to get cheaper entry to museum exhibitions, discounted theatre seats and memberships to clubs and societies.
Help With Your Routine
Getting help at home is a perfectly acceptable expense when you reach your later years. Services like Extra Care At Home provide help with lots of the annoying aspects of getting old such as picking up medication, washing, shaving and getting up in the morning and going to bed at night. They also provide the fun things like interaction and companionship.
Daytime Naps
Everyone loves a daytime nap but often children, chores, or full time employment get in the way. When you are retired you can nap to your hearts content. Make sure naps are taken in the comfiest chair money can buy.
Moan to Your Hearts Content
One of the big concessions you get as an OAP is the right to moan as much as you want. People have to listen and the complaints can be as dull as you want. And you don’t have to limit you complaints to family and friends, there plenty of newspapers and BBC programmes such as Points of View to vent your frustrations through.
Dispense Wisdom Freely
Another special reserve of the elderly that people perhaps don’t want to listen to but have to accept is advice. Once you get to a certain age you are free to enjoy the satisfaction of having a captive audience for your life’s worth of knowledge. Again, this shouldn’t be limited to friends and families, fellow bus passengers, radio DJs and supermarket cashiers should benefit from old people’s life experience.
Wear High Waisted Trousers
High waisted trousers are only worn by two types of people – the retired and Simon Cowell. Cowell is not stupid, these are a comfortable wardrobe choice and once you reach a certain age you can share the luxurious feel and join the X Factor impresario in ultimate smugness.