#42 MAC Brave Red Lipstick Review
I bought this lipstick back in December but I’ve only worn it twice, once back in December on a night out and the second time was today! After wearing it to simply go to the supermarket (my life is that glamorous, the joys of being a mother) I have decided I am in love!
It’s called Brave Red with a cremesheen finish which is one of my favourite finishes in MAC lipstick however on the website it doesn’t look a nice colour at all and is described as a red-yellow! If I had been ordering offline I’d of never given it a second look, but I bought it from a MAC counter so I was able to check it on my hand. I love the cremesheen finish because it has really good coverage and a nice shine so I needn’t both with a sticky lipgloss over the top.
Brave Red has to be one of my favourite red lipsticks I have ever purchased as although it is bright, it doesn’t make me look too washed out (as I am naturally very fair). Like all MAC lipsticks it’s genuinely long wearing, it survived some brie on toast and a cup of tea which is important for me as I always forget to reapply.
I’ll definitely be wearing this a whole lot more, along with my other lipsticks!

Beautiful colour on you! It looks lovely. I really wish I could find a shade of lipstick that suited me, but I’m a bit of a lipstick chicken. Must be braver, must be braver!
Kate xx
Just Pirouette and Carry On…
Amy Marie
Thank you 🙂 I really like it! I haven’t worn lipsticks in ages so it was a brave move too! You should be braver, have an experiment 🙂
That’s such a gorgeous colour! x
Amy Marie
Thank you! I do like it!
Margaret Smith
Lovely shade!
Amy Marie
Thank you!
oooo I really like this shade. May have to add it to my list! Suits you doll 🙂 xx
Amy Marie
Thank you. It’s the best red lipstick i’ve had, normally I find them a bit shiny but this looks good!
That it the perfect red on you xo
Amy Marie
Thank you Laura 🙂
Kirsty M
Oooh, what a lovely colour. Really suits you! I have a bright red mac lipstick I like to use on nights out but I need something more wearable for day- to- day use. This one looks amazing! Thanks for sharing 🙂 xx
Amy Marie
Thank you, I feel so much more confident with the positive comments 🙂 Going to wear it tomorrow again 🙂
& you’re welcome, it is a really wearable colour for day time, I didn’t get any funny looks in Tesco hah!
Forever Miss Vanity
It’s such a lovely colour and goes really well with your hair.
Cute blog, following.
Amy Marie
Thank you! It’s been so difficult to get a red that doesn’t clash with my hair because it’s slightly red but it’s great to know this one looks good.
Checking out your blog too 🙂
That’s such a gorgeous colour on you! I never would have picked it from the description on the website either but I might have to go and swatch it in store now! You look fantastic 🙂 x
Amy Marie
The descriptions on the MAC website are sometimes terrible so I rarely order anything unless I’ve tried it in a shop or counter first.
Thank you Hayley!
Such a pretty colour xxx