5 Festive Things to Do With Your Child in the North East*
Hands up who put their tree up this weekend? I know we did! After a trip to town and seeing the decorations along with some trees in the windows of houses, Little Miss convinced me that we needed to put ours up. So with an order of pizza we spent Saturday night watching The Enchanted Christmas & Once Upon a Christmas and really decking the halls. Although I have to admit I feel less Christmassy each year until it gets closer to the day, it has helped lift my spirits a bit and the sitting room feels so cosy with all the lights on and the gingerbread candles burning. Now…
Our #LittleDiscoveries Adventure to Newcastle, Day One
Next week Little Miss starts school full time. Real compulsory education. I can’t believe our summer is over and on Wednesday she’ll be putting on her uniform for the first time and walking through the doors of her primary school. She’s so ready. She’s smart, social and ready to learn. However, on the other hand, I’m pretty much falling apart the closer it gets. I have to admit people who don’t have children are struggling to understand how I’m feeling. For the last 3 & a half years, Little Miss has been my lifeline. Days I’ve struggled to get out of bed, she’s been there for me to fully focus…