Little Miss Cosplays Part Four
Today we attempted to take some more photos of Little Miss cosplaying. It’s really hard this time a year because of how dark my sitting room is where I usually take the photos. In fact, today especially it’s a no go due to the storm that has been raging for the past two days. So I cleared a space in the kitchen and managed to get some. I’m not completely happy with them but we did get some that were too adorable not to share. I’m really hoping that once the weather improves we can do a few outdoor photoshoots over the next year and maybe even some of our more professional photographer friends can take some for us too.
Today she’s cosplaying Merida from Brave, despite having never seen Brave. Ever since we met Merida at Disneyland Paris last October for some reason Merida has become one of her favourite Disney princesses. It’s so strange. So of course she needed a dress. She simply asked for some “new princess dresses” for Christmas, and since this isn’t one she has, it seemed like a good choice.
The dress is inspired by Merida’s not a replica and it’s made of really durable but child friendly cotton. It’s also short sleeved so LM will be able to wear it in Florida on it’s own or with a sweater under it in Disneyland Paris. The skirt is both our favourite because as you can see it twirls perfectly. One of LM’s favourite thing to do while in costume is twirl. The bow and arrow set is from The Disney Store and it was one of my favourite gifts I got for LM for Christmas as the detailing on the bow is just beautiful. Also you can actually fire the arrows which have a sucker on the end instead of a point. Little Miss is getting much better firing them but mummy is still a pro. I honestly want a set for me.
Of course, she then remembered that I have a Merida wig, as this is something I want to cosplay eventually and she asked for it on. Always for authenticity this one! She’s pretty good for wigs these days since she wore a red one to be Sally Stitches for Halloween last year. The wig is long in length and she ended up looking like Merida at the beginning of Brave which was so adorable.
She’s already talking about being Merida for Halloween, but I’m pretty sure that’ll change over the next 10 months!

This is so perfect, she’s going to be the queen of cosplay. She’s got it down.
Samantha Rickelton
What a beautiful costume! Your daughter looks like a very brave heroine ๐
Oh my goodness, this is just gorgeous! She really does look like young Merida at the start of the film! The quality of the dress looks fantastic too – what a lucky little lady ๐