Insta-Month July
Building a fort // July Selfie // Seeing Inside Out at the cinema
Elsa cuddles // Briar Rose dress for SFCC made by Closet Geek // A new copy of an Alice in Wonderland book that I used to own as a kid.
Some things I have been loving… The texts that my bestie sends to let me know that she’s missing me. Orange and raspberry juice. Playing Pokemon Crystal. Booking fast passes for our September trip. Not having to get up for a 9am school run on any day! Just having Little Miss around, even if it means I get nothing done.
Biggest regrets have been.. I don’t think I have any regrets…
My favourite purchase.. booking 5 days in All Star Movies. We weren’t going to stay at a resort but I managed to scrape together enough for a few days worth.
Next month I’m looking forward to… Sheffield Film and Comicon. My mum and dad not being in Greece. More Walt Disney World planning. Holy crap as of tomorrow I can say “I’m going to Florida next month” how exciting!
July was a complete wash out.. and I don’t just mean the weather! So many people I love and care about had a pretty crappy month too. Although looking back it seems like it went by quickly but during it I swear it felt like it was going to last forever! I really hope everyone I care about has a better August, and I really hope the weather picks up because it’s been so disappointing!

One Comment
Well done on the hotel booking, can’t wait to see you next month!