
Home Improvement Project 2015 – The Bathroom*

I’ve said a fair few times over the last few months how I’m planning on staying in this house for a number of years. With this in mind I’m slowly accepting that when I moved in, the decorating was a rush job (3 bedrooms painted with 2 coats in 1 week) and it’s time I spent some money and time on really making this place home. I did make a start last year when I decorated my hall way. I can’t describe the pride I felt when I completed it myself! This is the first house I’ve had complete creative control over and boy did that feel good. I’ve also mentioned before that the next room to tackle will be my bathroom. And since I’m trying to keep myself busy over the next few weeks to make them pass quicker, I feel like a new decorating project is exactly what I need!


Cocktails in Teacups ukBathrooms Worst Things To Find in a Bathroom

Cocktails in Teacups ukBathrooms Worst Things To Find in a Bathroom Lifestyle Blog

Sorry about the dark photos, my bathroom doesn’t get much light

As you can see, my bathroom is rather on the small side but it does have everything I need in it. In the past I have to admit i’ve had some horrible bathrooms. I’ve lived in two house that have had ground floor bathrooms in little make shift extensions. This was especially impractical when I lived in a house that had a bedroom upstairs! The floor was always damp and always cold.. hardly somewhere you’d like to spend hours relaxing in the bath like I do in my bathroom these days. I certainly would never rent or buy a house that had a downstairs bathroom these day with having Little Miss. Retailer ukBathrooms asked more than a 1000 people what would be most off putting in a bathroom when buying or renting and I was shocked to find my biggest off put factor wasn’t even featured. Black mould & bad silicon finish are what topped the polls (source; The Independent). Thankfully when I moved in my bathroom didn’t really need anything done to it straight away, but now I’m coming up to my second year here I feel it’s time to finish it off.

I love the grey tiles, they’re really pretty and although I would consider grey a cold colour I don’t think it gives the bathroom an icy feel. Most of my bathroom accessories are pink and white. When I moved in I felt I should have pink in every room because it would be the first time I’ve had a whole house to style myself. If I’m honest I don’t want to change this, I think the grey, white and rose pink look lovely together. My main problem is the old wooden features, net at the window and walls that are desperately in need of being painted.

Thankfully I have some bathroom proof emulsion that was purchased when I first moved into the house. It has been stored away with all my painting supplies but I now feel like it’s time to get it out. The paint that is currently on my bathroom walls is just regular emulsion so every time I shower the walls get this chalk residue on them which has left them with a streaky appearance. Not very nice. I’d really like an under the skin storage cupboard to hide the wooden skirting that has clearly been there since the house was built. I can’t remove it because it hides the pipes so my best bet is covering it up. Finally, the one thing I really miss from the bathroom is a mirror on the wall! Do you know how hard it is it wash your face without having somewhere to check you have all the cleanser off? It’s a nightmare and I usually have to take a hand mirror in with me! I would love an oval mirror to hang above my toilet since my sink is in front of the window. Of course with my impending holiday I can’t buy anything extra to finish off my bathroom before I go but these will definitely be the first purchases once I’m back. But in the mean time, I better get painting!

What do you find off putting in a bathroom?


  • Charlene Moore (@tartanmouth)

    I love the pink, white and grey theme of your bathroom – I agree that grey can sometimes sound like it’s going to be cold or bleak in a room, but your tiles are actually a really nice shade, and together with the other colours help make your bathroom look really pretty. I love your Cinderella print too by the way!

    For me a dirty toilet is the worst thing about a bathroom – so many flats I viewed in Glasgow had toilets with porcelain which was stained and discoloured from not being cared for properly. I can honestly say that would be a big enough factor to put me off a flat – wanting to spruce up the furnishings is one thing, but feeling like your home is permanently dirty because of the negligence of others is something else entirely!



    I love the dusky pink accessories in your bathroom. It really brightens up the room! I’m so jealous of your bathroom, compared to mine that looks like a dream! Mine is about the same size as a shoe box, quite literally. It’s got lino flooring, ugly blue tiles and I can literally shower while using the toilet simultaneously it’s so cramped! Worst of all, it’s too small to fit a bath in!

    That said, I’m only renting at the moment, so I wasn’t expecting anything ideal. Because I was a single mother at the time, I didn’t have much choice of houses near to my parents house. It’ll do for now though!


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